Raja Sports Club received the results of the covid-19 tests that the first team components were subjected to Monday morning inluding players, technical team, medical and administrative staf.
After a tot al of 53 tests were conducted, the results showed 7 positive cases, including six(6) among the players, adding to the three(3)cases recorded last Saturday, bringing the total number of nine(9) confirmed cases among first team players of Raja Club Athelitic after Zamalek beat them 2- 0 in Total CAF Champoins League first semi-final match.
Raja have been ordered to quarantine for one week by Moroccan health authorities after 9 of their players tested positive for covid-19. According to the report, the Morroccan health authorities have ordered the whole team to be quarantine for one week Due to this, the club will not be able to travel to Cairo to honour the 2nd leg of the CAFCL semi-final against Zamalek.