The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has formed a seven-member premier league committee with former GFA Chairman Alhaji MND Jawula as chairman of the committee.
Mr. Jesse Agyapong has been named vice Chairman of the premier league management committee, with five other members to be nominated by the eighteen premier league clubs.
The GFA has discarded the system which all Premier League clubs were
represented on the Premier League Management Committee (formerly called
Premier League Board).
Under the new system, the Executive Council will nominate two
representatives, who will be the Chairman and Vice Chairman
respectively, and the eighteen Premier League clubs will nominate the
remaining five members of the Premier League Management Committee.
Lepowura M.N.D. Jawula and Jesse Agyapong are the two representatives
of the GFA named by the Executive Council and the remaining five
representatives will be nominated by the Premier League Clubs.
The League Management Committee will serve a one-year term, and the GFA will engage Premier League Clubs towards an autonomous league.